Wow, where did the year go? This has been a fun year! I would like to thank the current board for all of their support, help and
guidance in keeping this club successful! Gerald, Deb, Steve, Bart, Randy, Gordy, Doris and Cindy have been wonderful to work with! One thing they will
never forget about working with me this year is ….”Keep it Positive!” Something I plan to keep for the new board so some of you are not rid of it yet.
I would also like to thank the members of this club without each and every one of you this club would not exist! It is your passion, heart
and soul that keep this club moving forward and making a difference in our communities! Whether your passion is spreading the word about the club through
walking in the various parades, being deeply involved with our bigger events or helping out with smaller projects like sending care packages to the troops, it
is all appreciated and helps to get our cause out there! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANKYOU!!!
The birthday party was a lot of fun and thanks to those who made it to help us celebrate another milestone! At the Birthday party several
members were recognized for their valuable contributions to this club, big or small it is greatly appreciated. Those recognized were: David Becker, Ed &
Julie Nealson, Robert & Tracy Witcraft, Stacy Wellington-Stiffler, Garry Joseph and Steve Douglas. We also named our Parrot Head of the Year! It was exciting
to announce this person and watch the expression on their face, not only were they surprised but extremely appreciative and proud to have this honor! An
honor, this person has earned through their hard work in the club and a dedication to moving the club forward. I am pleased and proud to announce that
Parrot Head of the Year for 2011 is Bob Randklev!
Congratulations and thank you Bob.
Now I am happy to announce the new Board of Directors for the Isle of Iowa Parrot Head Club 2011-2012:
Deanna Steggall ~ President
Gearald Ptacek ~ Vice President
Deb Rassler ~ Secretary
Steve Robe ~ Treasurer
Bart Mason ~ Membership Director
Randy Havlik ~ Social Director
Heather Sexton ~ Member at Large
Gordy Smith ~ Member at Large
Tom Whiting ~ Member at Large
This should prove to be another great board in a long list of great board! I look forward to working with all of these individuals and keeping this
club on the forward path.
As always here is My final thought: always remember to *SMILE*, It’s contagious and makes the world a brighter place and remember to Keep It Positive!!