Board Members
Deanna Jackman-Steggall SteveRobe Gerald Ptacek Gordy Smith
Bart Mason Randy Havlik Deb Rassler
Cindy Ek Doris
Welcome New Board Members Present
Tom Whiting Heather Sexton
Non Board Members Present
Deb Ptacek Matt
Minutes of Last
Minutes from the April 19th 2011 Board meeting were accepted
June Newsletter Deadline: May 16th 2011
Newsletter articles should be sent in an e-mail if possible to Deanna Jackman-Steggall. Any article NOT received by this date will
not be in the newsletter!
Keep it Positive
Treasurer’s Report
Treasure report from 4/1/2011 through 4/30/2011 was received by Steve
and accepted unanimously. The beginning balance as of 4/1/2011 was $8,662.83.
The total expenses were $1,630.49. The total income was $704.28, with the ending
balance of $7,736.62.
Steve handed out a report from 6/1/2010 to 4/30/2011 and also redid the last year’s
reports from the 1st of the Month to the 1st of the next
Month so they all end and start with the same amount. Steve also gave a report of the Charity
Activity from 6/2010 until 5/2011.
The Iowa City Animal Shelter and the Free Community Health Center have not had
a representative available to come to our meetings yet to receive their
check. All the Board agreed that they
need the checks sent to them. Steve will mail the checks out Friday to both
places so they can be paid.
Deanna gave receipts to Steve from the Club Birthday Party in the amount of
$274.69. All the Board approved the fee’s and for her reimbursement.
Membership Report
The club currently has the same amount of members as the previous month,
Deb requested more flyers that he has made up about our Island Fever Phlocking
to place on the band merchandise table at upcoming events.
Club Events
Gordy followed up with the Freedom Festival to see if our club can do anything
to help them out. We will consider
earlier next year due to the times left and slots open. The Freedom Festival
will donate $250.00 to the charity of our choice after volunteering.
We had no volunteers sign up to help The Irish District on June 11th.
Bart agreed to wear JB for the Tanager Place on June 4th between
3:30 and 8:00 at the Rockwell Parking lot.
Deanna has our club signed up to pour beer at the 1st shift for Uptown
Friday Nights on July 29th, the same night as the CIB is playing. Decided the equal amount of tickets to trade
for their fee would be 16 to 20. All agreed.
Spring Highway pick-up was completed and went well on May 15th.
The Club Birthday Party went well.
The Houby Day Parade had 8 club members participate and received a 2nd
PLACE TROPHY as a walking unit.
Steve will chair the 4th of July Parade in Coralville.
Discussed with Tom and Heather the Newsletter Articles and went over their
dates with them to make sure that was fine with them.
Deanna has the May Baskets in process.
Deanna asked about Relay for Life. We discussed that the club has no volunteers
since they moved it away from Coe College so all agreed that we would not
participate this year.
Alzheimer’s Memory Walk:
Randy will have a signup sheet for the next club meeting.
Next Core Meeting is at Tammy Maneely’s residence on the 25th of
Bart has the club down for the option of 1st Right of Refusal
for 2012 for the same venue.
Discussed places for next year’s Board Meetings.
May 31st Deanna
June 14th To be announced
July 12th Steve
Aug 16th Gordy
Sept 13th Deb
Oct 18th Bart
Nov 15th Tom
Jan 17th Randy
Feb 14th To be announced (Valentine’s Day)?
March 13th Gerald
April 17th Deb
May 15th Bart
The club had 6 members volunteer for the 7th Annual Benz Fest. The
club received a nice thank you from the Benz Beer Fest that benefits the
American Heart Association.
Alpine Club Tickets
The check was mailed
Chili Challenge
All the Board discussed and approved that we will stay with the same
charity for 2012 that we had for 2011. This will be The Free Medical Clinic.
Family Picnics
1st will be held June 1st at Jones Park
2nd is on July 6th at Cherry Hill Park
3rd is on August 3rd at Noel ridge Park
4th picnic is on September 7th at Thomas Park
Gerald will pick up the meat for the picnics
50/50 raffle
4th Quarter (March,
April, and May) is to benefit Johnson County Humane Society. $150.00 was
Next Monthly
June 16th 2010 at The Fieldhouse Downtown is our Homeport.
The remaining monthly meetings are reserved for the Downtown Fieldhouse for the
rest of the year except for December (the club xmas party).
Next Board Meeting
The next Board meeting will be held at Deanna’s residence on May 31th
2011. Deanna proposed that the Board meet again May 31st for the
annual minutes and then again on June 14th to organize the next year
agendas. All approved.
Respectfully Submitted: 5-30-11
Deb Rassler