Your PHIP Tradewind Times Second Quarter Edition for 2015 is now available on line & ready for reading and sharing! In this issue you will find the long awaited "State of the Phlock" that describes how the Parrot Head Nation did last year! What you all have accomplished is awesome!
The Isle of Iowa PHC is listed in the Domino College Dean's List for the 15th Annual Blues 'n' Buffett Chili Challenge, and we are listed under the May birthdays since the Isle of Iowa will officially be 18 years old on May 9th!
Read about the great entertainment planned for Meeting of the Minds, A Salty Piece of Land! Andrew Talbert and the PHIP board have arranged for many of your favorite performers to be there, plus some new arrangements that are sure to please!
There is an article about some changes in PHIP, our new Director of Membership, Charley Gingrow, and about the new PHIP website. Also, the quarterly financial reports, the PHIP National Alzheimer' s team, reminders about the upcoming interim reports and contests to be working on. There are some other special articles about PHIP members and clubs too!
Follow the direct link here: Tradewind Times
You can always go to the webpage and click on "Chapters" ; then scroll down and click on "Tradewind Times" on the bottom left to get to it.
So glad that it is spring and can't wait until summer! Keep posting your activities and sharing successes!Sally Spenny, Editor, Tradewind Times