June 25, 2018

Please check out (and join) the Trop Rock Music Association!

If you have not joined the Trop Rock Music Association yet - it's time to get it done!  Everyone must renew your membership for the 2018 calendar year (regardless of when you joined last year).  Use this link to join (or renew) - Trop Rock Music Association registration

Membership is an absolute bargain - just $15.  Plus it carries the special privilege of being part of the selection of the 2018 Trop Rock Music Association award winners.  Voting is limited to paid members of the TRMA; you will get to vote in both the nomination round (which begins July 1) and in the final selection round (which begins September 1).

We want to encourage all of our fellow Isle of Iowa members to join this organization.  Trop Rock music is a huge part of why we exist as a club.  Our club has provided many opportunities to Trop Rock musicians and we will continue to do so into the future.  Please support the music genre and help us spread the word!

An added bonus to membership is the chance to show some love for Iowa's hottest Trop Rock band (whose members also happen to be pretty "well connected" to our club) - The Bamboozlers!  While their new music (and album) will not be eligible in this year's voting due to the release date, the band itself will be eligible in several award categories.  Let's push to get them on the final ballot for the Horizon Award.  This would be an excellent recognition of the band and it will be presented at Meeting of the Minds in Key West this November.

Again, use this link to join the Trop Rock Music Association) - Trop Rock Music Association registration


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