Here is the official message from Bill Brehm, the duly elected president of PHIP, Inc. who was removed from his position through a vote from the remaining PHIP Board of Directors. The official minutes (which were posted to the club leaders page today) from the PHIP, Inc. Board meetings sadly confirm the content of Bill's message.
Dear Members,
I thank you for the overwhelming response to the recent PHIP Board decision to remove me as President of PHIP, Inc. I appreciate the support I have received by Parrot Head Club members, Coral Reefers, and Trop Rock musicians around the country. I have been intentionally absent on this issue so I could do some re-grouping and avoid an impulsive response.
The following is my official Open Response to Impeachment.
In the immortal words of My Cousin Vinny….”What those guys said is bullshit! Thank you.”
Let me begin with the facts:
On Sunday July 19th the PHIP Executive Board received an email by Charlene Schultheis, Director of Finance, just under an hour prior to the start of our monthly PHiP Board Meeting. This emaiI accused me (Billy Brehm) of being a poor leader for PHiP and unfit to lead this Board and this organization as President and included a Motion to remove me from the position of President of Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc. on the grounds of nonfeasance, misfeasance, and acting in a manner that is detrimental to the organization was stated. The Board Meeting included the entire Executive PHIP Board, The Director of Conventions (Andrew Talbert) and the Assistant Director of Conventions(Jim Dellacono)...both appointed positions. I asked that this Motion be the first order of business. With the Motion passed, there was no discussion around specific instances or reasons for the Motion and a vote was taken. The Board voted 5-1 in favor of my removal. I was the one dissenting vote. That night an email was sent to the Regional Communicators stating this fact, and in the morning I was removed from the website. The Executive Board voted to remove me from office because I wanted to do new things that threatened their ways of running the current organization.
I ran for President on a platform to better support all Parrot Head Clubs, bring additional benefits to all PHiP members, and to increase collaboration with the Trop Rock community who continue to support the lifestyle and genre of music Jimmy Buffett created.
As per the by-laws, the President is afforded the following responsibilities:
“The President shall be the principal executive officer of the organization, in charge of the business and affairs of the organization. The President shall assure that the resolutions and directives of the Executive Committee are carried out, except in those areas where the Executive Committee assigns the responsibilities to another person.
The President shall:
- Have such powers and duties as are usually exercised by such an officer.
- Be the Executive Officer of the corporation and preside at the Annual Convention, any special meetings and meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
- Have the power to call Special Meetings of the organization and Special Meetings of the Executive Committee.
- Manage all other matters assigned by the Executive Committee.
- Timely transfer of all documents related to this position.
- Cast one vote in all matters before the Executive Committee concerning Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc.”
The Board and Andrew refused to provide me with past contracts and detailed financials. The Board and Andrew refused to give me access to the website and social media pages. I also did not have access to credit cards or bank accounts as I do as President of our local Chicago Club.
While on the Board I was required to sign a Conflict of Interest form that states as a Board member we cannot discuss Board information. So for reference and to assuage any fears of gross misconduct. Here is what I was given access to:
- Clubs email groups
- Yi-Haa (registration tracking)
- Club tickets and the Featured Club
So….this is what you all have been waiting for….What did I do wrong?
Let me start by saying that my platform for campaigning has never changed. I have always maintained my position to be the voice of our clubs and its members. Here is a short list of facts that I was chastised, berated, scolded (insert your verb here) for and deemed unfit to lead PHiP:
- I emailed the clubs regarding sadness at the loss of 2 clubs from our ranks.
- With the help of my wife, we made contact with the manager of Jake Owen in hopes of getting a group ticket deal for our members similar to Jimmy tickets (this was to be the start of more to come). I was told to cease and desist by Andrew Talbert, Director of Conventions, because it was interfering with something he was working on with MOTM (totally unrelated) and this was supported by the Board.
- I emailed the clubs in support of Trop Rock Strong to help support our musicians during this pandemic and being out of work, the same artists we use at our house concerts, club events, and yes...MOTM. I was told this is inappropriate because it is not our mission as PHiP to support Trop Rock or the TRMA and that we are about Jimmy Buffett.
- I participated in an awesome PodCast with a young and enthusiastic club member called Blame it on Buffett trying to draw in younger club members. In it I told the truth that we all know. The Pandemic is affecting all clubs and events, and while safety is a major concern, it is not the only reason for cancelling. Attendance, finances, contractual obligations, sponsors, and more are all taken into account, so saying we are postponing solely for safety concerns is a half truth. I told the facts.
- I accidentally passed along an email that did not contain any confidential information to the wrong PHIP email group….yes, my mistake.
- I made contact with Margaritaville to discuss what benefits we are allowed to provide our members, and what would be off limits. (For example, we would not promote Corona as it is a competitor to Landshark.) However, after speaking with MV and securing their usual sponsorship and donation to MOTM, I proposed a deal to the Board for partnering with a Latitude Properties broker for our members, but MV wanted to see about working a better deal. This would have potentially meant thousands of dollars to PHIP. I was reprimanded and reminded that we are supposed to only have a “single point of contact” with all things Margaritaville...Andrew Talbert.
- I secured a deal with the company Salt Life to include a significant discount to our club members months ago. I asked for the contact info for our website to get the proper image and format information for the discount code to have it added and was not allowed to contact them. However, the discounts are in quarterly increments and 2 months had already passed with no movement. So in order to get the benefit out to you all I emailed it so you can use it and to maintain relations with Salt Life. Once again...reprimand. And then impeachment soon afterward.
In regards to their accusation of not sharing my “vision” with the Board. I had the great opportunity to speak with many parrot heads regarding the future of MOTM. However, when the PHIP Board met at our Face to Face meeting in February, I discovered the schedule and line-up and all things MOTM were already in place. I suggested some of your thoughts, but to no avail. I did not share anything further after the Assistant Director of Conventions Jim Dellacono when on the verbal attack demanding why people hate MOTM and Andrew. Contracts were already signed, and up to Sunday, July 19th after several requests, I had never received or reviewed the Casa contract or any other contract signed by PHIP as it related to MOTM. While the Membership Drive was a positive that came from this meeting, our clubs still needed a lot more help. However the leaders of this organization, as it stands, made it obvious to me that they have no interest in the other aspects of our organization that are an integral part to our growth. From musicians (newest to the big names), to magazines, to radio stations, to social media, to merchandise, to the people and businesses of Key West...we are all part of the Parrot Head LIFESTYLE that embodies Jimmy Buffett and what Margaritaville and Parrot Heads in Paradise stand for. In essence, the current Board didn’t want a good leader, they wanted a good follower to step in line and continue to do what they have always done. I refused and acted within my rights and boundaries as President and this was unacceptable to the rest of the Board.
For this, I apologize to you...the 22,500 club members and leaders that are begging for help as it falls on deaf ears. MOTM is a great thing, but I was also focussed and was driven to finding opportunities, growth, and a new direction for the 20,000+ members that do not go to MOTM. That is why I ran for office… that should be the focus of PHIP. That is why the appointed positions of Director of Conventions and Assistant Director of Conventions should not have, and exert, so much control over everything in this organization. I am sorry I could not get you the help you need. The formal letter from the PHIP Board accused me of, “nonfeasance, misfeasance, and acting in a manner that is detrimental to the organization.” I have provided you with information in this statement that is backed by documentation between me and the Board and is true and correct. In the end, each member can decide whether to agree with these serious accusations. The current Board likes to brag about their decades of service and, while I respect the time they have given, it is time for a change.
Respectfully Yours,
Billy Brehm