April 20, 2015

Events for week of April 20th

Isle of Iowa Events: 


Tue, Apr 21st – Island Fever Phlocking Committee Meeting

6:30pm: Jerks Sports Bar at 1810 6th St SW in Cedar Rapids.  We encourage all members to come out & join the discussion.  After the meeting we plan to welcome back the Eastern Iowa Honor Flight at the Airport at 9:30pm.


Sat, Apr 25th – Dubuque Phlocking Bus Trip

1pm – 2am: The Dubuque Phlockers One Particular Harbor Phlocking is sure to be a blast with music featuring Johnny Russler and the Beach Bum Band!  Lots of bus activities, with stops along the way at our favorite bars in Anamosa and Key West.  Pickup at 1pm from the SW Target and 1:20pm at the Marion Walmart.


Sun, Apr 26th – Spring Highway Cleanup

1-3pm: Meet at the I-380 Swisher-Shueyville Exit across from the BP Station.  Safety vests and trash bags are provided.  Afterwards we will stop by Shuey's at 1158 Club Rd in Shueyville.


Coming up…


Sun, May 3rd – Isle of Iowa’s 18th Birthday Party

3–7pm: Fairfax Legion at 216 Main St in Fairfax.  Music by the Bamboozlers!  Free admission and open to all.  Please bring a dish to pass for the potluck.  Parrot Head of the Year and many other special announcements, games, prizes, phun and phriends!


Wed, May 6th – May One Particular Harbor

6-9pm: Gus’ Food & Spirits at2421 Coral Ct in Coralville.  Come out for our club social night for great food and drinks!


Sun, May 10th – Sunny Jim House Concert

4:30–7:30pm: Jim Roman and Laurie Sexton's back yard in Hiawatha. Tickets are just $10 for club members in advance ($20 for non-members). You can purchase your ticket at any club event!


Thurs, May 14th – Board Meeting

6-9pm: Mason’s Residence at 2213 Harvest Circle in Coralville.  All members welcome.


Thurs, May 21st – Isle of Iowa May Monthly Meeting

6–9pm: Parlor City, 1125 3rd St SE in Cedar Rapids.  We will have special guests from Shelter House at the meeting for the 50/50.


Other Events:


For a list of all the local events, visit: https://events.hooplanow.com/events/search


Fri, Apr 24th – The Swinger David Scott at Penguins Comedy Club

7:30pm: The Vault at 208 2nd Ave SE in Cedar Rapids.  https://www.damnilookgood.com/


Sun, Apr 26th – Team Breast Friends 4th Annual Drive Away Breast Cancer Golf Outing

8:30am-Noon: 9:30 am Shot Gun Start, Lunch will be served immediately following as the contest winners are announced.  Cost is $300 per foursome, four person best ball.  Wear pink to support the cause.


Coming up…


Sat, May 9th – W. Jake Tatar at the Tiki Barn

7pm: Tiki Barn at 11739 Tama Road in Burlington, IA.  RSVP/info [email protected] or call the Tiki Barn Man at 319-759-6705.  Come early for meet & greet & dinner.  BYOB.  Admission is $20.



Got changes, additions, comments?   Feel free to send me feedback at:  [email protected]

Barracuda Randy

Social Director

Isle of Iowa PHC


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