Isle of Iowa Events:
Wed, Oct 3rd – October One Particular Harbor Jello Shot Party
6:00pm, Smith’s Residence,225 Rockvalley Lane NW. We will be making Jello Shots and having our social night all in one fun filled evening! Bring a bottle of flavored booze and two large boxes of jello along with a dish to pass for this special OPH event!
Fri, Oct 5th – Cedar Valley Oktoberfest with the Cedar Island Band
7:30pm,GatewayParkinCedar Falls,IA. Free admission, sounds like a road trip may be in order!
Sat, Oct 6th – Island Fever 2012
2:00pm – Pre-party, games, jello shots, and Parrot Head Potluck.
6:00pm – Raffle, Booze Wall, Live Auction, Silent Auction, and music by the Cedar Island Band with special guests Tall Paul & Kristie Bobal. Benefits Waypoint and the Crisis Center, advance tickets are available at
Coming up…
Sun, Oct 14th – Fall Highway Cleanup “Treasure Hunt”
10:00am – Noon: We meet at the I-380 Swisher/Shueyville exit (lot across from the BP station) to clean up our 2 mile adopted section of I-380. After the “treasure hunt”, we will meet up for lunch at Shuey’s tavern, everyone is welcome to attend.
Tue, Oct 16th – Board Meeting
6:00 – 9:00pm, Ptacek’s Residence,309 Carter St NW,Cedar Rapids. Members welcome.
Thur, Oct 18th – October Monthly Meeting
6:00 – 10:00pm, Downtown Fieldhouse at 411 1st St SE,Cedar Rapids. Our quarterly charities are the Linn Community & Johnson County Food Banks.
Other Events:
For the Top Ten Picks of the Week, visit:
Coming up…
Sat, Oct 27th – The Costume Run
4:00pm – Theatre Cedar Rapids to NewBo City Market: The Costume Run is co-presented by two Third Street nonprofits that hope to make an annual tradition of this interactive and theatrical twist on the traditional 5K fun run/walk. The un-timed race starts on stage and follows a path downtown that is focused on the trail, including Greene Square Park, along the river and features a stretch that actually runs through the Circle of Ash haunted house (with the lights on). That isn’t the only interactive feature of the run as there will be an activity of sorts approximately every kilometer or five times along the course. Every activity completed earns participants a door prize chance! Go to to register.
Got changes, additions, comments? Feel free to send me feedback at [email protected]
Barracuda Randy
Social Director
Isle of Iowa PHC