Isle of Iowa Events:
Tue, Nov 11th – Board Meeting 6–9pm: Randy’s House at 3705 King Dr SW in Cedar Rapids. All members welcome.
Sat, Nov 15th – Isle of Iowa Member Appreciation Party 5pm: Fairfax Legion at 216 Main St in Fairfax (about 3 mi South on Hwy 151 from Hwy 30). Please bring a dish to share for the Potluck (club will provide tableware). We will have Gerald’s Bloody Mary Bar II (Vodka setup available for purchase), Margaritaville Shrimp sampling, and prize drawings.
Coming up…
Tue, Nov 18th – Chili Challenge 2015 Committee Meeting 5:30pm: Jerks Sports Bar & Grill at 1810 6th Street SW in Cedar Rapids (former TJ’s Steakhouse). The Committee is searching for a couple new members this year, so if you are interested, please try to attend this meeting! Save the date for the 15th Annual Blues ‘n’ Buffett Chili Challenge on Mar 8th, 2015.
Thur, Nov 20th – Isle of Iowa Monthly Meeting 6–9pm: Parlor City, 1125 3rd St SE in Cedar Rapids. Come out to participate in our 50/50 to support our 4th quarter charity: Shop with a Cop. Voting night for Isle of Iowa Board positions.
Wed, Dec 3rd – December One Particular Harbor 6-9pm: Gus’ Food & Spirits at2421 Coral Ct in Coralville. Come out for our club social night for great food and drinks!
Sat, Dec 6th – Fire and Ice De-Light Parade 6-7pm: Downtown Cedar Rapids. Please sign-up at the Nov Monthly Meeting to walk in the Fire and Ice Festival Holiday De-Light Parade. If you can’t make it to the meeting, please send an e-mail so we know if there will be enough parrot heads to join ‘JB’ the parrot on the parade route!
Other Events:
For a list of all the local events, visit:
Coming up…
Sat, Nov 29th – The Compass Rose Band at the Red Baron 9pm – 1am: The Red Baron at 62 16th Ave SW in Cedar Rapids Czech Village.
Fri, Dec 5th – Southern Drawl Band in Rock Island 6pm: Plumber & Pipe Fitters Hall at 4600 46th Ave in Rock Island. Hosted by the Quad Cities Parrot Head Club, cost is only $15, potluck, and it is BYOB. Don’t miss this chance to see this great party band from Knoxville, TN!
Got changes, additions, comments? Feel free to send me feedback at: [email protected] Barracuda Randy Social Director Isle of Iowa PHC