The Isle of Iowa will heat up downtown Cedar Rapids with our Tropical Holiday De-Light Parade Truck, complete with grass skirting and lights, a Lighted Palm Tree and Pink Flamingo, Jimmy Buffett Christmas Music and hopefully YOU! We need lots of walkers to help us create a Caribbean Attitude in this Cold Latitude! So, dress warm as it will be about 10 degrees outside, and bring a bag of candy or two to put a smile on all of the frozen kids out there, and let's have some PHun!
Details and parade rules were sent by e-mail, we are entry number 40D, and will meet at 4th Ave SE, midway between 6th and 7th Streets. We need to be in place by 5:15pm, the parade starts at 6pm. After the parade we will meet at Parlor City to warm up and celebrate, music starts at 9pm if you want to stick around for the Magnetos.
Barracuda Randy
Social Director
Isle of Iowa PHC