September 11, 2011

Membership...Dues are DUE!

It’s that time of the year once again…time to renew your membership in the Isle of Iowa Parrothead Club!  As you all know our membership year runs from October 1 to September 30.  Dues may be paid at an upcoming club function (monthly meeting on September 15) or can be mailed directly to the membership director or to the club’s PO Box (whichever you prefer).  


Bart Mason, Membership Director                                Isle of Iowa Parrothead Club

2213 Harvest Circle                                                          PO Box 11172

Coralville, IA 52241                                                          Cedar Rapids, IA  52410

As a reminder, membership dues are $35 for a Family Membership & $25 for a Single Membership.  According to our club by-laws, a family membership consists of two adults (residing at the same address) and their children (parakeets) under the age of 21.   Parakeets are not eligible for parrot points. 

One of the goals that we have set for our club is to grow our membership and it appears we might be on pace to accomplish just that.  We have had lots of new members join our phlock over the summer…Woo Hoo!!!!!!! 

However, we can’t achieve our membership goal without a big assist from all of our current members.  We need all of you “old” phriends (current members) to renew your membership and pay your dues for the new club year.  As a reminder, any one who is attending Meeting of the Minds must be a member in good standing (which means that your dues are paid in full).  As an additional benefit to our membership, we plan to continue with our special membership card program that entitles you to some great discount deals at local establishments.  Did I mention the words Membership Appreciation for all who get their dues paid on time?    

Your membership dues are extremely important to the basic operation of our club (as I will explain in a future update) and support all of our club functions.  In fact, think of your membership dues like a good shot of tequila.  They do for our club what a good strong shot of tequila does for that “perfect” margarita…they provide the kick to “render” that “concoction” that “helps us hang on” and keeps our club moving forward.  

So my fellow Isle of Iowans – lets Get-R-Done by renewing your membership today!  Help us make the Isle an even bigger & better island than it already is!   

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