It's the Final Countdown.......
We are in the home stretch – Island Fever Phlocking is only 8 days away! Hopefully everyone is ready to Party with a Purpose on behalf of two great organizations (Waypoint Services & the Johnson County Crisis Center) next Saturday (October 1)! It’s going to be a fantastic event…a wonderful, fun-filled evening with great music, great friends and lots of FUN!
We thank you for all that you have already done to support Island Fever 2011 – your support to date has been amazing! However, as we make the “final push” to this year’s event there is still much work to be done to make sure this year’s event is the best one yet and we hope you might still have a little room left to help us out just a little bit more. Listed below are four things that we could still use your help with…
Phlocking Ticket Sales: Now is the last big push to get those tickets sold! If you have pre-sale tickets – sell them out; if you need pre-sales tickets give me a call (319-930-2833). Our ticket sales are what makes this event work and we need all hands on deck to get those tickets sold. Now is the time to hit up your co-workers, neighbors, family & your non-parrothead friends! It might also be a great opportunity to sell those remaining tickets to your employer offering them a great opportunity to support two fantastic charitable causes. As a special bonus “challenge” I will be donating a prize (in a bottle J) to the person who sells the most pre-sale tickets.
Auction Items: We have had lots of great donations already (thanks to all of you)! However, more items mean more money for two great organizations so if you would still be willing to donate an item or two please contact KarenRandklev or Tammy Maneely. Here are a few “needed” items that will help push the auction over the top…
- Any type of Margaritaville stuff
- Landshark Goodies (6 packs, Buckets, ANYTHING Landshark)
- Wine Bottle (for a Hawaiian shirt basket)
- Pirate's treasure items-Captain Morgan, Gold Beads or Coins (something for a treasure box)
- Movie Tickets or DVDs for a couple of movie baskets
- Hawkeye Items (anything)
- Set of Margarita Glasses
- Tropical Christmas Items
- Wine Bottle with a fall theme (pumpkin, spiced...something fall-ish)
- Tequila
- Nascar Items
- Restaurant Gift Cards (any amounts would be appreciated)
- Any sort of Booze
Booze Pull: Speaking of booze, every bottle of booze that is “pulled” in the Booze Pull will mean $10 for our charities! We are still collecting booze bottle donations for this exciting, new event. Grab a bottle from your liquor cabinet or pick up an extra one on your next trip to your favorite liquor store and donate it to the Booze Pull!
Volunteer to Work a Shift: We still have lots of volunteer opportunities available the night of the Phlocking! Volunteer shifts are only an hour in length and are relatively painless! Consider donating an hour of your time to help out with one of our activities (many hands give everyone the chance to party with a purpose). Let Randy Havlik know when and where (if you have a preference) you can help out!
Thanks for all that YOU have done already to support this great event…we could not do it without YOU! It truly is a great day to be on the Isle of Iowa!
Bart Mason, Membership Director
Isle of Iowa
319-930-2833 or [email protected]