October is officially on the way out and time is running short to renew your membership in the Isle of Iowa. All memberships need to be renewed annually (in October) so you can continue to Party with a Purpose on the Isle. Membership dues are only $25 for a single membership and $35 for a family membership.
Now I know it is easy to ask yourself that age old question…Why should I renew? Perhaps your busy schedule doesn’t allow you to attend as many functions as you would like or you find yourself wondering just exactly what does paying my membership dues do for me. Let me try to answer those burning questions for you…
Whether you are a club regular (someone who attends lots of meetings & club functions), a parrot head who attends when you can, or a member of our phlock who follows us from afar (via the web site/listserv) - you are a valued and important part of our club! I think there is a special sense of pride & satisfaction that goes along with being an “official” parrothead – a card carrying member of the Isle of Iowa! While anyone can claim to be a parrothead – it is far more special to Party with a Purpose and be part of our phlock on the Isle of Iowa.
Membership dues are extremely important to our club. Your dues support the operation of our club and allow the Isle of Iowa to continue to Party with a Purpose and support many wonderful local charities. Earlier this month, our phlock raised over $5,200 (a new record) at Island Fever Phlocking to support Waypoint Services & the Johnson County Crisis Center. The membership dues that you pay each year helped to make that possible. Truth be told – we can’t do it without you!
Don’t forget – all paid members will again receive a membership card that provides some great discounts at some of our favorite hang-outs. Several new businesses have signed on as sponsors of our membership cards and there are some great new deals! In fact if you use your card just 5 or 6 times it will nearly return what you paid for your membership back to you. How can you possibly pass on a deal like that?
I think I have mentioned that we have had many new phriends join us on to the Isle in the past few months and we are on pace to have a great year for membership! We might even be approaching a new milestone (number of members) but we need you to help us make that happen! Renew your membership today and help us make it the best year yet on the Isle of Iowa. Checks should be made payable to the Isle of Iowa and your membership dues may be mailed to either of the following addresses:
Isle of Iowa Parrothead Club PO Box 11172 Cedar Rapids, IA 52410
Bart Mason, Membership Director 2213 Harvest Circle Coralville, Iowa 52241
Don’t delay – renew your membership today. Help us to grow our membership and make the Isle of Iowa bigger & better than it has ever been! Remember – there’s always room for another parrothead on the Isle and there is always room for you.