ABC’s Dancing With The Stars featured a slice of Jimmy Buffett on Monday night as comedian Bill Engval and his partner Emma Slater danced to “Cheeseburger in Paradise.”
Bill and Emma take the bold move of setting their tango to Jimmy Buffett’s “Cheeseburger in Paradise” (or “Beefburgers in Paradise” by Jimmy Buffet, according to Emma), and Bill dedicates the dance to “Redneck Nation.” Their little skit at the beginning (he’s served a salad, while she gets a cheeseburger) is cute, and they pull off a pretty big feat by making the song look like it was made for a tango. The judges are amused and pleased. Len calls it “sharp and tangy,” while Bruno nitpicks “a few tiny issues,” saying they had a difficult time keeping up with the song’s tempo.
(hat tip Ken)