Board elections are just around the corner. This year’s election will be held in November with the installation of the new Board at the Holiday party in January.
To that end, we need any and all nominations for Board positions to be submitted by Thursday, October 24th. You can submit nominations at any time between now and the 24th by email to: Steve Douglas @ [email protected]. Please do not reply with your nominations in Yahoo Groups, send a separate email with your nominations.
Nominations can be submitted in person to the Board at the next Club meeting (Membership Appreciation Night) on October 17th. Nomination forms will be available at the meeting.
Once the nomination period ends, each of the nominees will be contacted by the election chair to confirm that they are willing to be placed on the ballot & ultimately serve on the board if elected.
Once all the nominees have been confirmed, a ballot will be prepared and in-person voting will occur at the November Monthly Meeting (November 21, 2019). We will also send a copy of the ballot out electronically with instructions as to how you can vote "absentee" if you are not able to attend the monthly meeting. However, we encourage (and hope) that everyone will come out to the monthly meeting and vote in person.
You can nominate yourself for a position or you may nominate someone else. You can submit as many nominations as you want (i.e. nominate someone for every position or just nominate for specific positions). As a reminder, all positions are open. NOMINATION BALLOT 2020
You do need to be a member in good standing to nominate, vote and/or be elected to a board position. This means that your membership dues are up to date. If you still need to renew, please visit:
Here is a list of the positions that need to be filled:
President –
Vice President –
Secretary –
Treasurer –
Membership Director –
Social Director –
Member-at-Large –
Member-at-Large –
Member-at-Large –
Thanks to all for supporting the Isle of Iowa & participating in our election process.
Steve Douglas
(Acting) Elections Chair