This email is sent with a heavy heart. As we are all still mourning the loss of Bart and not wanting to be insensitive to Michele Mason and family,
Bart would have wanted us to follow protocol. Thus, per our bylaws this call for nominations had to be sent today.
This is the official call for nominations for the current 2020 PHIP Special Election to fill the office of President.
Nominations must be received to [email protected] no later than December 28, 2020.
Further details and the nomination form is attached to this email.
Although this message is posted to the Club Leaders Board, any member in good standing of a sanctioned chapter of Parrot Heads in Paradise is eligible and encouraged to run for this office.
Please forward this information to your members and make available the nomination form.
For questions regarding the special election, contact me at: [email protected]
Attached is the nomination form along with the duties for the open position of President.
Thank you,
David Cohen, Secretary
Parrot Heads in Paradise, Inc.
Special Elections Officer