Ring the Bell with JB!
Thurs, Dec 12, 6-8pm: Hy-Vee at 5050 Edgewood Road NE. The Isle of Iowa Parrot Head Club will be
Ringing the Bell for the Salvation Army!
If you wish to join us, we will start at Zeppelins Bar & Grill from
4-6 pm for happy hour, then join JB the Parrot and Ring the Bell at both the
Grocery and Pharmacy Doors from 6-8 pm!
A Christmas Crawl 2
Fri, Dec 13, 5:30-10pm: Dirty Shirley’s at 88 16th
Ave SW in Cedar Rapids. First 100 people
who give a $10/person donation will receive a Busch Light shirt and will be
automatically entered in to win a prize! Bars on the route: Dirty Shirley's,
Lucky's on 16th, Aces & Eights Saloon, CJ's Sports Bar & Grill &
Chappy's Safari. Proceeds go to the Madge Phillips Center for Women &
MAPA Christmas Luau and Toys For Tots
Sat, Dec 14, 5pm-Midnight: Center
Court Banquet Hall in Milwaukee. Party
with a Purpose! Featuring The Boat Drunks. Special Guest, Jim Hoehn. Bring a
new, unwrapped toy for the 124th Fox Co Marines and USO Toys for Tots program.
$35 per person includes dinner buffet. Table of 8 for $200. More info and
Register at: www.milwaukeeparrotheads.com.
Isle of Iowa Monthly Meeting
Thur, Dec 19, 6–9pm: Chrome
Horse Saloon New-Bo (Rider’s Room) at 1201 3rd Street SE in Cedar Rapids. Come early for club social hour, meeting
starts at 7pm. Special BONUS: Drawing will
be held for anyone bringing in a Chili Challenge Silent Auction Basket or
equivalent donation!
The Compass Rose Band at Rumors Bar
& Grill
Sat, Dec 21, 4-8pm: Rumors Bar & Grill at 400 F Ave NW
in Cedar Rapids.
Whiskey Jo's New Year's Eve Party!
Tue, Dec 31, 8:30pm – Jan 1, 12:30am: Whiskey Jo’s Pub & Grub at 4617 J St SW in Cedar Rapids. Party with The Compass Rose Band and the Isle of Iowa!
The Compass Rose Band at Wild Hogs
Mon, Jan 6, 5-9pm: Wild Hogs Saloon & Eatery at 350
Commercial Dr in Walford.
January One Particular Harbor
Wed, Jan 8, 6-9pm: Whiskey Jo’s Pub & Grub at 4617 J
St SW in Cedar Rapids. Come out for our club social night for great food and drinks!
Isle of Iowa Christmas Party
Sat, Jan 11, 5:30pm: Fairfax
Legion at 216 Main St in Fairfax.
Dress is casual, please bring a dish to share for the potluck, and a
wrapped gift ($20 range) if you want to participate in the gift exchange.
Don Middlebrook Concert
Sat, Feb 1, 6pm: Fairfax
Legion at 216 Main St in Fairfax. Soup
supper potluck! Bring your favorite soup
to share! $10 admission goes to the
artist! Always a great time with Don!
20th Annual Blues 'n' Buffett Chili Challenge
Sun, Feb 9, 1-4pm: Cedar Rapids Marriott at 1200 Collins Rd NE in Cedar Rapids. Tickets and Info: https://blues-buffett.com/
QCPHC Havana Daydreamin'
Sat, Feb 15, 6pm-Midnight: Davenport River Center at 136 E. 3rd Street in Davenport. BONUS Pirate Pub Crawl from Noon-4pm! Entertainment by The Boat Drunks, Nadirah Shakoor, and Jason Carl’s Breakdown (Tom Petty Tribute Band). Buy tickets online at https://qcph.com/event/16th-annual-havana-daydreamin/?instance_id=60
THR - "This Hotel Room" 2020
Sat, Mar 21: Save the Date! Music by The Boat Drunks. https://st-minnesomeplace.com/
Island Fever Showcase 2020
Sept 4-7: The Surf Ballroom in Clear Lake. Tickets and Info: https://islandfevershowcase.com/
Got changes, additions, comments? Feel
free to send me feedback at: [email protected]
Barracuda Randy
Social Director
Isle of Iowa PHC