Drop Dead Dangerous (full band) on Friday, December 15
If you have not already heard, we've got a hell of a Friday night planned for y'all! The girls (along with the boys) of Drop Dead Dangerous are coming to Iowa to do a full band show for all of us. It's gonna be a celebration of the Island Fever Showcase public on-sale date & we'll be making some incredible entertainment announcements about the event line-up! The cost of admission is just $20 (at the door) with all proceeds going to the band! I know most of you have never heard the full band arrangement - it will blow you away!!! Plus they will also have Larry Dunsmore joining them on the drums - you don't want to miss this show! It all happens at the Fairfax American Legion (216 Main Street; Fairfax, Iowa 52228). Doors open at 7:00 pm and the music will start at 8:00 pm! The club will be providing some snack items to munch on & the bar will be open for business!