May One Particular Harbor
Wed, May 4, 5:30-8:30pm: Boulder Tap House at Lindale Mall in Cedar Rapids. Come out for our club social night for great food and drinks! (June OPH: 30hop CR)
Isle of Iowa Monthly Meeting
Thur, May 19 from 6:00-8:00pm – Chrome Horse Saloon New-Bo at 1201 3rd St SE in Cedar Rapids.
Isle of Iowa 25th Birthday Party
Fri, May 20 from 6:00pm - 10:00pm - Fairfax American Legion. Pizza will be provided, Music by Christopher Dale! Free to Members and $15 for non-members. Members may bring an app or dessert to share if they wish.
VenuWorks Volunteer Food & Beverage Servers
Opportunities to earn funds for club functions and charities. E-mail [email protected] to sign up to work before May 30th for all June dates.
Sunday, May 29, 6:00 - 11:59 pm: McGrath Amphitheatre – Aaron Lewis & The Stateliners
Wednesday, June 8, 4:00 - 11:59 pm: McGrath Amphitheatre – Whiskey Myers
Friday, June 10, 6:00 - 11:59 pm: McGrath Amphitheatre – Kip Moore
Trop Rockin' The Islands
Sat, May 14, 2022, 6-11pm: Stern Center in Rock Island, IL. Quad City Parrot Head Club tickets and event details:
Dandee's Beach Bar - Upcoming Schedule
Dan & Dede Wagener, 2347 290th Ave in DeWitt. All shows are BYOB, chair, food, and $20 donation.
Sun, May 22, 3-6pm: Aaron Scherz
Sun, May 29, 6-9pm: Rebel Railroad
Fri, Jun 24, 6-9pm: Erica Sunshine Lee
Fri, Jul 8, 6-9pm: Bryton Stoll
Sun, Jul 17, 3-6pm: Mike Nash
Sun, Aug 14, 3-6pm: Drop Dead Dangerous
Lehman’s Backyard Soirée – Upcoming Schedule
Vicky & Larry Lehman, 5050 Valley View Dr SW in Cedar Rapids.
Sat, May 28: Rebel Railroad (Bikes & Beaches Special Event with the Shriners - only $15)
Sat, Jun 25: Jesse Rice (stay tuned for details)
Sat, Jul 9: Isabella Stefania
Sat, Aug 6: Donny Brewer & John Patti
Fri, Sep 2: Save the date!
New Glarus Beer, Bacon, and Cheese Fest Bus Trip
Sat, Jun 11, 8:00am-10:00pm: Bus Trip leaving Target SW around 8:00AM, pick ups at Marion and Anamosa Walmart. We have a couple stops planned on the way up and one on the way back to CR. Please pay Gerald by check made out to the Isle of Iowa PHC. $120.00 per person.
Jimmy Buffett & the Coral Reefers
Sat, Jul 23: Alpine Valley Music Theatre in East Troy, WI.
PHlockers Magazine May 2022
April - June 2022 Tradewind Times
Got changes, additions, comments? Feel free to send me feedback at: [email protected]
Barracuda Randy
Social Director
Isle of Iowa PHC