The September Monthly Meeting has been moved from the normal date (third Thursday of the month) to Thursday, September 14. The meeting will be held at Parlor City in the Pavilion (building out back). The meeting date was changed for a couple of reasons but, most importantly, so that we can make a special announcement.
AND IT"S AN ANNOUNCEMENT THAT YOU DON"T WANT TO MISS! It's quite possibly the biggest news to hit the Isle of Iowa in a looooooong time (like maybe ever)! Don't miss the chance to be the first to know!
This new meeting date will also give you the opportunity to take care of a couple of financial obligations in a timely fashion! 
- You can pay for your seat(s) on the 20th Anniversary Membership "Drive" & Booze Cruize. This trip is SOLD OUT & your full payment is due by September 21. As a reminder it is $65 per person which includes your seat on the bus, your club membership (new or renewal), snacks, goodies & prizes. We have started a waiting list if you snoozed & didn't get signed up in time (though I don't know whether or not we will have any room). You can get your name on the waiting list by contacting me directly via phone/text at 319-930-2833 or back channel through email!
- Membership dues also must be paid (technically by October 1) to remain a member-in-good standing. You can take care of your membership dues at this special September meeting. That way we don't have to send out our membership director (and her henchmen) to strong arm you!
We apologize for any inconvenience that this date change may cause, and we hope you'll drag your behind to the meeting to be part of our EPIC BIG REVEAL!