Happy Tuesday Isle of Iowans! We have several updates for you today so read on to get all of them!
Club Concert Tickets Have Arrived!
If you ordered a club seat for the concert in Des Moines, we have received them! You can pick them up at any upcoming club function, which include our board meeting at the Starlite Room (3300 1st Avenue NE; Cedar Rapids, IA) tomorrow night between 6 PM & 8 PM or the next monthly meeting in the Rider Room at the Chrome Horse (1201 3rd Street SE; Cedar rapids, IA) on Thursday, May 17. Otherwise, you will need to contact Bart Mason (319-930-2833) to make arrangements to get them.
Speaking of the Concert…
The Isle of Iowa & the Des Moines Parrot Head Club are two of the official co-hosts of the Tuesday on the Island II Tailgate at the Wells Fargo Arena. It’s going to be one heck of a party in the parking lot complete with a performance by Iowa’s hottest Trop Rock band – The Bamboozlers! The festivities start at 2:00 PM in the parking lot just outside the Community Choice Convention Center. There will be food, beverages & many special give-aways! We even have a special charity raffle with some amazing prizes including a trip to Margaritaville! We will need some club volunteers to assist with staffing our club information station & the charity raffle ticket sales. Please let Bart (319-930-2833) know if you are willing to assist.
21st Birthday Bash (and Pub Crawl)…
That’s right kiddos – we’re finally legal! We will be celebrating our club’s 21st anniversary on Saturday, May 19. We’ll get things started early with an epic Pub Crawl through NewBo & the Czech Village. The crawl will ultimately end up at the Chrome Horse in the Rider Room for the official birthday celebration beginning at 4:30 PM. The Parrot Head of the Year (and some other special awards) will be announced around 6:00 PM. Make sure to get this date marked in your calendar!
Raffle Items Needed…
Things are really starting to heat up for the Island Fever Showcase at the Surf Ballroom over Labor day weekend & we now need your help! We are asking you as a club member to donate a “signature” item to be used on our special raffle(s) to be held on Saturday & Sunday nights. What we are asking for is a nice item that can stand-alone in the raffle or that can make the main focal point for a basket. The good news is that we only need approximately 40 signature items! Signature items should have a value of at least $20 and can include both items that you purchase or items that you create. That’s right - use your imagination & come up with something unique! Perhaps it’s a painting, a drawing, a sculpture, a crafty Knick knack (no paddy whacks though) or even a unique or beautiful photograph that you framed up. The personal touch that these items provide prove to be big hits on the raffle! Of course, we’ll also take any type of item that you purchase (bottles of booze, tropical stuff, etc. etc.). And, we can use all kinds of smaller things as basket “fill” so you are welcome to donate those as well! Bring your donations to the next club function or contact Tina Hansen to make arrangements to drop it off!
Speaking of the Surf Ballroom…
This event is shaping up to be one of the greatest Trop Rock events that has ever been held! Make sure you check out all of the event information at islandfevershowcase.com! The website was recently updated (thanks Bob) & looks fabulous! In addition, you can also listen to the official Island Fever Preview Show on RadioTropRock (airing again tomorrow morning at 9 AM). We’ll also have a link to the preview show up on the website very soon!